The pressure and stress they are afflicting on the RF. You can see it in the faces of
the older members.....
they have made so many strategical mistakes it's hard to keep track.
some changes within the last decade or so that are contributing to declining numbers of jws:.
1. elimination of book study groups, the most informal, enjoyable and sociable of the jw meetings, contributed to loss of sense of community among jws.. 2. policy of consolidating kingdom halls.
The pressure and stress they are afflicting on the RF. You can see it in the faces of
the older members.....
i have argued with several jws who are now being trained to deny the org ever said the end in 75, what is your approach?.
The bible states "liars will not inherit God's kingdom". Prior to 1975 the RF was preaching
at the doors the End will be here before the end of 1975.
Were the RF admonished for this blatant lie. My sister told my none-JW family members,
this is your last chance to be save. Isn't this a DF offense, lying on Jehovah? NO ONE was ever
told to stop preaching that message. I was there and I was a Elder, I had doubts but I also
preached the end was near.....
I have friends(not JW) who today still remind me, "James, remember back in 1975 when you
told me I will be BBQ in 1975".
on the carts today four of them had teaching books that were printed in 2006 do people have any ideas why ?.
So they are dumping old light on the public.....
and they start delivering their message of judgment?
what do you think will happen when they start knocking on doors and telling people that their families will be killed in armageddon because they did not believed in jehovah.
i'm curious how people will react.
GB speaking with psychiatrist: Why do you feel the world will end and 8 billion will die?
Lett: Because the snake deceived Adam and Jehovah allowed us to correct our error for
over 7000 or maybe 6000 years. Now it's time to collect. He told us in this generation things
will take place, but that generation may last longer than a normal generation they overlap.
So the generation may last 100 or maybe 200 years.We know this because he only communicate
with us..
Psychiatrist: OK fellows, but you know you guys are as nutty as a fruitcake.
and they start delivering their message of judgment?
what do you think will happen when they start knocking on doors and telling people that their families will be killed in armageddon because they did not believed in jehovah.
i'm curious how people will react.
The government would intervene and demand that the GB take an IQ test and
see the psychiatrist to determine if they are psychotic.
They would be a danger to society.
i think this would be a great question to ask active jws.
they love to say how the world would be so different if everyone was a jw.
however, what if we flip the question and ask, would the world really be much different if the jw faith never came into existence?
There would be less dumb people in the world....
the answer posted on "no.
many millions who lived in centuries past and who weren’t jehovah’s witnesses will have an opportunity for salvation.
additionally, many now living may yet begin to serve god, and they too will gain salvation.
Saename: Amen!!The whole story is so dumb.
so my mam visited today.
she recently went to convention in north east england, newcastle i think they still have them at.
before she left she said (this is her exact words btw) "you have put me in a difficult position and i can't come to see you anymore".. she told me that as i live with my partner and we are unmarried that she can't visit anymore.
My daughter visit me after 15 years and my soul mate and I are not married, we been together
over 19 years...My daughter is 100%'s hard going against natural affection....
so my mam visited today.
she recently went to convention in north east england, newcastle i think they still have them at.
before she left she said (this is her exact words btw) "you have put me in a difficult position and i can't come to see you anymore".. she told me that as i live with my partner and we are unmarried that she can't visit anymore.
Tell your Mom no one will get DF for visiting her daughter.
the answer posted on "no.
many millions who lived in centuries past and who weren’t jehovah’s witnesses will have an opportunity for salvation.
additionally, many now living may yet begin to serve god, and they too will gain salvation.
So no one dies for 1000 years before the eternal lake of fire. Lets say Hitler is resurrected and
start the same crap, will the elder sit down and talk with him. No adultery, fornication, murder for
1000 years...Some people will never change their behavior, Satan and his followers didn't.
If Gods can read the heart why resurrect people with bad hearts just to be put the death after
a 1000 years, what's the point.